Jumat, 07 November 2008

Buying Necessities at the Exotic Pet Supply Shop

By Winawita

George was fascinated with reptiles at a very young age. This all started when the school went on a field trip to the zoo and was immediately followed a book entitled “Creepy Crawly Things” given at the end of the tour.

This fascination became a reality when George’s parents purchased a tarantula at the local pet store. This creature belongs to the arachnid family because of the venomous fangs that are used to kill prey.

The tarantula loves to eat fresh meat. Unlike other spiders that usually eat whatever gets trapped in the web, this one waits in a certain spot and ambushes the prey. The victims are usually insects, other spiders, birds and amphibians.

Since it is quite difficult to catch these creatures, the best place to get them is from an exotic pet supply shop.

The first thing any owner must provide is shelter for the pet. The tarantula should be placed in a glass aquarium with some rocks or old wood to make it feel comfortable in its environment. This will cost an average of $40 and is very easy for anyone to set up.

Some jell should also be purchased to give the spider some liquids together with live insects such as crickets or worms as part of its diet. This doesn’t hurt the wallet that much since the tarantula is only fed once a week.

Tarantulas are nocturnal animals so having a small lamp installed will be just right to give it some warmth in its home. The owner should make sure that it doesn't exceed 30 degrees, which could be too much for the spider to handle.

Even if many Americans prefer to have dogs, cats or fish as pets, there are many who prefer to have spiders instead. These eight-legged creatures are not noisy compared to other animals, don't produce any harmful odors from urine or feces and are easy to maintain.

The price for a tarantula on the market ranges from $20 to $50. This will depend on the type, the gender and age when it was purchased. The exotic pet supply store also carries books of how to take care of this kind of spider.

Deciding to own a tarantula or any other exotic pet is a huge responsibility. It will be a good idea to do some research first and know the dos and don’ts in order to have fun with this creature around.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Knowing the Temperature requirements of Exotic Pets

By Winawita

So, you want to get an exotic pet, huh? Maybe you are tired of your regular dog and your good old cat. Maybe the bird joyfully chirping outside your window isn't good enough for you anymore.

You want more challenge and adventure, as a pet owner. You want to take on the challenge of taking care of exotic animals as pets. Yes, exotic animals like skunks, spiders, and snakes.

But before you do just that, you have to know the proper condition of the type of exotic pet you intend to take care of. Mostly, exotic pets can't live in the same condition such as yours. You first have to know its habitat temperature requirements.

For starters, try to research things about the pet and the particular species that you want. From where do these animals come from? Do they come from cold countries like Antarctica? Or hot ones like Kenya and South Africa?

The room temperature of the animals you intend to take care of should be maintained to match their natural habitat. If they are used to cold weather and you are in an equally cold country, like the U.S., then you should be fine. What about if they are used to a hot, humid place? That is going to be a problem, for sure.

If you intend to take care of an exotic pet that is used to weather not similar to yours, then the pets will definitely not survive long. The only thing that you can do is to set up a room and make its temperature akin to what the animal is used to.

Temperature is really important. So the next time you intend to take an oriental exotic animal to your relatively cold country, think twice. You might not be making a good decision. The pet you intend to take care of may not even last for a few days. It is just going to be a waste.

So the main thing here is, don't get exotic pets originating from relatively hot countries, unless you really wanted to go into great heights simulating their natural habitat for them. If you are fine with that, then you can go ahead and take care of that pet. But if that is simply too much of a hassle for you, then don’t do it. It may not be worth it.

rel="tag">temperature for exotic pets

Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

Guide To Caring for An Exotic Pet Snake

By Winawita

Having exotic snakes as pets is becoming common nowadays. This is primarily because many people who have been taking care of one assert that snakes are actually tame, contrary to popular belief.

In spite of this, snakes remain to be not for everyone as care is quite complex. Just like in the case of having other types of exotic animals, commitment is very essential. Thus, prior to acquiring one, it is best to have the right information about them such as behavioral characteristics, dietary and habitat requirements, and other pertinent details. Only after which should you decide if you really are capable of having one.

Several species of exotic snakes may be considered as pets but the most common are garter snakes and pythons. For first-time owners, corn snakes, king snakes, and ball pythons are, in fact, most suitable as these are gentle and not very sensitive to food and the type of habitat they are in.

On the other hand, if you are a beginner, don't think about acquiring Burmese pythons, red-tailed boas, tree boas or pythons, water snakes, anacondas, reticulated pythons and other wild snakes as they can really be dangerous especially when not handled properly. A rash approach affects their temperament negatively.

The appropriate diet and living area vary with different species. Generally, though, in creating an artificial environment for them, take note of security as they tend to get out of any enclosure. Check for gaps and the strength of the habitat itself.

Otherwise, you shall be putting others in danger as well as incurring liabilities. Also, check if there is enough space for them to move around. The size of the space must correspond well to the size of your pet.

As all snakes are carnivorous, mice and rats are the best food for them. It is better to give them pre-killed ones so as to protect them from possible injuries caused by their prey when alive.

This especially happens when the prey is given to them while they are not yet hungry and unwilling to attack. On your part, it would likewise be more convenient to have these killed rodents in a freezer than keep another habitat just for them.

Animal care, no matter what you choose as your pet, has indeed never been easy. For pet snakes, your responsibility doesn't end when you have chosen the species. It is actually just the beginning of a long-term complex relationship.

rel="tag">caring exotic pets

Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Why Choose Reptiles As Exotic Pet?

By Winawita

Pets are a source of enjoyment and fulfillment for most people. Pets like dogs and cats serve as loyal companions to people and are rewarded with tender loving care by their owners. However, there are people who pour out their affection to exotic pets.

Exotic pets are named as such because they aren't domesticated and tamed and are most often found in the wild. However, the popularity of exotic animals as pets has encouraged pet stores to stock up on exotic pets to meet the rising demand in the market.

When a person hears exotic pet, the first thing that comes into his mind is an animal that is uncommon and maybe wild. There are quite harmless exotic pets like hamsters, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits. On the other hand, there are also exotic pets that may seem ferocious and wild at first glance.

Reptiles are one of the most favored exotic pets especially people who have a love for the outdoors. There are different kinds of reptiles but the mere sound of their names can evoke fear from people who don't know an iota about their nature.

Among the common reptiles that have been purchased or adopted as exotic pets are snakes, crocodiles, turtles and iguanas. The frightening lead character in the legend of the Loch Ness is said to be a reptile. No one can of course validate this belief and scientists are still at a loss as to the truth behind claims of people who have seen the monster.

But not all reptiles are scary. The misconceptions people have about the nature of reptiles that are often regarded as exotic pets came from ignorance and lack of willingness to accept reptiles as exotic pets.

A person who is planning to buy a reptile as an exotic pet should bear in mind that most reptiles eat meat but there are reptiles that eat plants. Make sure that you know everything about the chosen reptile because there are reptiles that can be considered venomous.

There are people who believe that keeping snakes as exotic pets will bring them luck. Some prefer to keep snakes because they are a natural deterrent to the thousands of rodents living in the neighborhood.

There are plenty of reptiles to choose from and anyone with a penchant for these strange and eerie creatures can choose from a variety of reptiles that can be found roaming in the environment or being sold in pet stores all over the world.

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008

How to Keep the Exotic Pet Happy?

By Jullyanov

There are many exotic pets that can be raised at home. Given the many possibilities, Michael decided to get something that didn't require that much maintenance. After examining what was available in the pet store, the decision came down to a toad named Ernie.

Ernie is known as an Oriental Fire Bellied Toad. The name is derived from its physical features, which can only be found in certain parts of Southeast Asia.

What is the key to make exotic animals like this toad happy? In simple words, tender loving care. Since this is easier said and done, here are some pointers;

1. The first will be to find an appropriate home for the pet. Since toads love the water, getting an aquarium will be best. This is because this is the most ideal environment resembling the swamp.

Water should only be filled between two to four inches from the bottom of the tank so that rocks can also be placed for the toad to get some warmth from artificial light or the sun.

The water should be dechlorinated for at least a day before putting the toad in. This is because the acidity could affect the health of the pet less than a day after it is brought home from the store.

2. The aquarium will get dirty after a few days. Part of the responsibility of owning a pet is cleaning up the mess. The owner can install a filter to suck dirt but changing the water is still the best way to make sure it is safe for the toad.

3. Toads love to eat worms, insects or small fishes. The owner can get these from the pet store and offer them on a regular basis dyed with multivitamins to make it always feel healthy and strong.

Toads don’t have to be fed daily. This should be done only two to three times a week since giving too much can make the pet overweight.

Exotic animals need a lot of attention just like having a dog or a cat. It will be a good idea to read up and do some research first instead of doing it through trial and error.

The average life span of this kind a toad is between 10 to 15 years. This just goes to show that with proper care, Michael can make Ernie happy and in return they will spend a long time together.

Kamis, 17 Juli 2008

How To Look Exotic Pet Stores

By Jullyanov

Having a pet in the house can provide enjoyment to everyone in the family. However, pets can also keep everyone on their toes especially when they are very active and require extra care. Owners of exotic pets may find that they have to work double time in caring for their pets as compared to those who have ordinary pets like dogs or cats.

While most people would prefer to own dogs, cats or birds that are commonly found in every household, there are those who enjoy the challenge of caring for an exotic pet. Some people are interested in exotic pets because of their uniqueness and maybe because they have gotten tired of their ordinary pets.

A person who wants to have an exotic pet can purchase it in an exotic pet shop, adopt one or wish for a lucky star and wait for someone to gift him with an exotic pet. Exotic pets are rare and most are found only in the wild. Knowing this, how can prospective exotic pet owners get their exotic pets?

The popularity of exotic pets has encouraged pet shop owners to come up with their own collection of exotic pets. There are even several pet shops that sell exotic pets online.

Before deciding on purchasing or adopting an exotic pet, it is wise to evaluate the motivation behind such decision. Exotic pets aren't easy to care for like the ordinary pets and the future owner should be more attentive and more committed in taking care of his exotic pet.

Scout around for pet shops selling exotic pets in your area and make sure the exotic pet you want to own and purchase is legal in your jurisdiction. The law prohibits the selling of certain exotic pets and being in possession of one can get you in trouble later on.

This is one of the most common questions I get. Unfortunately it is one of the most difficult for me to answer. So much of this question depends on which sort of pet is involved, where a person lives, and what resources are available in the area.

Make sure to visit pet shops that are reputable and have valid licenses when scouting for your exotic pet. Also do some research on the exotic pet and ask the right questions from the seller like how old the animal is, how safe to keep the exotic pet, its habitat, eating habits and the potential dangers it may pose to your household or the neighborhood.

Before buying the exotic pet, check out the condition of their homes in the pet shop. There are pet shops that take safety and the health of exotic pets in general and this may have a negative result on the exotic pet you are planning to buy. Also ask the pet store if there are vaccines available for the type of exotic pet you want and if such pet has already been given such vaccines if they are applicable.

Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

Exotic Pet Starter Tips

By Deeo Nyssa

Some people like animals, and some are especially fond of the real exotic ones. Exotic animals are those not usually made as a pet. They are usually found in jungles, forests, and the wild. Therefore, you have to consider it seriously before decided to have one at home. And now that you're sure that you want to be an exotic pet owner, the following tips might be really useful for you.
Choosing the Best Exotic Pets for You
The first thing you need to do is choosing what exotic pet is best for you. When choosing them, it is important to know the reasons for owning one and the responsibilities needed for keeping one. You should have a good knowledge of a particular kind of pet before buying, else, the purchase or adoption could end in disastrous results. You should also know what your motivation is to choose and exotic pet, because it involves a continuous commitment.
Don't forget to consider their adult size, and it is important to know the sociability of a particular exotic pet and to match it to your preference, whether you want a pet that needs much of your attention or one that would best live if left alone in its dwelling.
The point is, the best exotic pet for you is one that you can keep, find as much information as you can before you decide which best for you.
Best Places to Look for Exotic Pets
Now that you've decided which exotic pet is best for you, you need to find out where you can get it. Since they are special pets, you can't buy them in a common pet shop or similar place. These are some places where you can get one.
The easiest way is by checking out the internet. Many exotic pet shops put their store online to get more customers. But beside that, you can also scout the specialty pet shops or veterinarian within you area. They might have one or two. If, unfortunately they don't have what you're looking for, they might know someone else who does. Another interesting option to get an exotic pet is by joining on exotic pet auction. This could be a wise move, because for sure, you are going to see lots of wonderful species there.
Steps in Acquiring an Exotic Pet License
Suppose you've got yours now. What's next? Acquire a license for your exotic pet. It's optional, though, depends on the local government in your area. But some local governments require people, who intend to take care of these exotic pets within their yards or homes, to secure a license. For one, in Illinois, it is illegal to own and take care of an exotic animal. In Georgia, you can take certain species of a skunk as pet without a permit.
But as a precaution, here are the steps you should do the moment you intend to take them home.
First, you need to look for a listing of pets considered as exotic within your area, then check your local laws and see if there is a rule against owning exotic pets. If it's allowed to own exotic pets as long as they have an exotic pet license, then you have no choice but to comply and process the necessary papers. You should also see if there is any vaccines or removal of body parts like teeth is required because some exotic pets can be harmful, and some local state laws require owners to do something like these in order to protect the other people within the community. After making sure that you have all the papers and the requirements met and ready, you are now ready to make a trip to your local government office to file and secure the permit with them.
Good luck, and have fun with your exotic pet!